Cry Freedom!

It's a full Nelson bitch
So I clearly haven't really been writing much on here lately not too sure why. Anyways I figured I'd post some of the more fun and interesting things I come across in my internet travels. Some of these things you may see and say to yourself "Hey didn't I post that on Facebook the other day?" And the answer will most likely be, yes, yes you did. However I figured I would pass it along to more people so I apologize for any repeats.

I also apologize that the blog will be mostly writing interspersed with links and I don't just put 30 GIFs of movie scenes on a page to get my point across.

Anyways lets dive right into the shit now. Nelson Mandela died yesterday. And as expected millions of middle class white people in their twenties were overcome with grief over the loss of someone who meant so much to them. Saying that I should keep my comments on his passing to a minimum, he was a great leader and I will never really realize the impact he had on this world, now he gets to go live with the great Swayze in the sky so I hope its awesome for you chief.

I will post two quick Mandela related thing, Anthony Jeselnik who is an insanely funny man that you should all be into summed it up best on Twitter.

And of course there will always be the glorious Chappelle show skit of Nelson Mandela boot camp. Which is friggen awesome. I also had a pretty sweet Twitter gem about the passing myself, but if you want that you'll have to follow me for yourself.

Anyways moving right along here my never ending love for some things Star Trek and ALL things Patrick Stewart here's a little Yuletide classic done up by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Also speaking of loving Star Trek, I have stumbled upon an online comic that gives us a glimpse into the soul and life of the most pathetic man on the planet. You know how most newspaper comics such as Garfield are pretty lame and unfunny, well magically when you remove the obese lasagna eating feline from the picture, it actually gets about one million times funnier.

So yeah check out Garfield minus Garfield for yourself I'll post one preview for you so you get the gist of things. As an aside this also the greatest thing ever to post in the wake of the Mandela passing.

To close out this post I have to shine a light on something that I really hate to give any publicity too, Much Music's Big Jingle concert. For some reason Facebook thought that this was an ad I would be interested in, I guess when they were big brothering me the fact that I downloaded a couple of top 40 albums somehow says more about me than all my other searches involving, food, The Wire, video games, porn and metal.

Anyways this show has Hedley, Fefe Dobson, Fall Out Boy and all sorts of other complete garbage. If that's the sort of thing you're into I'm really sorry to insult you, and also really sad that Nelson Mandela is dead and you're still here... and most of all you're still here and reading my blog for some reason.

Really the only thing I can do now is take a line from the master Norm Macdonald, and say happy birthday Jesus I hope you like shitty concerts.

*Apologies if any of this is a little unfresh I'm going to work on just keeping my shit just to the blog from now on so wont have any spoilers of it on Facebook beforehand like there were for a few things in this entry


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